
Archive for the ‘Living in Germany’ Category

Spent most of the night transfixed by Google Earth, zooming back to old places I used to live in Germany back in the late 60’s and early 70’s. Brings back a ton of memories.

I could even zoom in on the old Herbst Brauerei (brewery) where I used to slam them back as a 16 yr old during a summer stay abroad – still remember being zonked out of my gourd, just jabbering away with these old guys in German, probably didn’t have a bloody idea what I was even saying! Fortunately, it was only a block or so away from home, so I could stagger back without getting run over. 🙂 I was, of course, delighted to see the ol’ brewery still standing and it will be the first place I head for, if I make it back to Krefeld!

And Google Earth even led me to a live web cam of the historic marketplace in Schwäbisch Gmünd, where I went to school back in ’71.

Quote of the Day: If you shoot at mimes, should you use a silencer? (Stephen Wright)

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